html模版Lady Gaga與受性侵害少年共同獻唱奧斯卡
原標題:Lady Gaga與受性侵害少年共同獻唱奧斯卡

愛語導讀:本屆奧斯卡最令人動容的一幕當屬Lady Gaga獻唱《Til It Happens To You》。她與數十名曾遭受過性侵害的青少年,手牽手一起勇敢的站上奧斯卡舞臺,美國副總統喬.拜登作為主持人,向觀眾介紹Lady Gaga的演唱

Lady Gaga made a powerful statement about sexual assault at the Oscars, belting out her nominated tune from “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about中古餐飲設備買賣 rape on college campuses.

在奧斯卡的頒獎典禮上,Lady Gaga現場獻唱瞭,她獲得最佳原創歌曲提名的電影《獵場》主題曲——《直到身臨其境》(Till It Happens to You)。《獵場》是一個聚焦校園強暴事件的電影。

Vice President Joe Biden introduced the songstress, charging the crowd, “Tonight, I’m asking you to join millions of Americans … to take the pledge. A pledge that says, ‘I will intervene in a situation where consent has not or cannot be given.’”

副總統喬·拜登作為主持人,向觀眾介紹Lady Gaga的演唱,並呼籲,“今夜,我請求你們加入到成千上萬的美國人之中,發誓: 我們將會阻止性侵犯的發生!”

Wearing a wh台中二手冰櫃收購ite suit and sitting behind a white grand piano, Gaga sang the first several verses of “Til It Happens To You” before being joined by dozens of sexual assault survivors on stage. The young men and women standing alongside Gaga had blunt messages scrawled on their arms, such as “Not Your Fault” and “It Happened To Me.”

Lady gaga當天以一身端莊幹練的白色套裝出場,在一臺白色鋼琴前自彈自唱她的歌曲《直到身臨其境》(Till It Happens to You),她先自彈自唱瞭這首歌的前面幾段,隨後臺上數十名遭受過性侵犯的幸存者們和她一起合唱。這群年輕人圍繞著Gaga而站,他們的手臂上紋著很多字 母,像“Not Your Fault”(不是你的錯),“It Happened To Me.” (這確實發生在我身上)等字樣。

After her performance, Gaga lost the award to Sam Smith for “Writing’s on the Wall” from the James Bond film “Spectre.”

不過表演之後,Gaga的歌曲還是輸給瞭電影《007:幽靈黨》主題曲,薩姆·史密斯《無法躲避的命運》(Writing’s on the Wall),未能獲得最佳原創歌曲獎。

Gaga herself is a survivor of rape, which happened at the age of 19.“I didn’t tell anyone for, I think, seven years,” the Grammy winner, now 29, revealed in December. “I didn’t know how to even think about it, I didn’t know how to accept it, I didn’t know how to not blame myself or think it was my fault. It’s something that really changed my life, it changed who I was completely. It changed my body, it changed my thoughts.”

Gaga自己就是性侵害的受害者,這件事發 生在她19歲時。這位29歲的格萊美獲得者,在去年12月時,她回憶說,“我沒有告訴任何人,大概有7年的時間,我不知道該怎麼回想這件事,也不知道怎麼 去面對,我無法停止自責,一直認為這是自己的錯誤。這件事完全改變瞭我的生活,改變瞭我自己,改變瞭我的身體,改變瞭我的思想。”

Gaga’s fiance, the actor Taylor Kinney, accompanied her to Sunday’s awards show. Before her performance, she wrote on Instagram, “I never thought anyone would ever love me because I felt like my body was ruined by my abuser. But he loves the survivor in me. He’s stood by me all night proud and unashamedly. THATS a real man.”

Gaga 的未婚夫,演員泰勒·金尼全程陪伴她,參加瞭奧斯卡頒獎典禮。在Gaga表演前,她在instagram(照片分享軟件)發表瞭一條信息台中中古餐飲設備稱,“我從沒想到 有人會愛我,因為我的身體已經被施虐者給毀瞭。但是他愛著那個幸存下來的我,他自豪地,整晚陪伴著我,他是一個真男人。”

來源:Fox News




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